The Community of Liberating Christ is a group of gay Christians who wanted to create a friendly and welcoming space for all those who wish their homosexuality to be a « plus » in their lives. We want to give the opportunity for real encounters with other gays. We offer the opportunity of selfless, lasting and profound friendships through cultural and leisure activities, think tanks and sharing on the issues that life poses to us. We offer all those who wish a space for spiritual reflection and the joint celebration of Jesus Christ. For we believe that God loves us as we are, joins us in our lives as they are, that « He loves us gays »!
This association promotes the Christian life of homosexual people both through specific activities and through those aimed at fostering among members the welcome, the meeting, the relaxation, the sharing, the friendship and the mutual aid. It offers a space and a place of speech for anyone (LGBTQI+ asylum seeker are include) wishing to deepen their spiritual life. It acts in solidarity with individuals or groups who are victims of all forms of exclusion.