Fondation Le Refuge – Marseille

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

The structure offers support and temporary accommodation in the relay flats of one of its 20 departmental delegations.

The aim is to enable the young person to stabilise and rebuild his or her life and gradually gain financial and material independence.

It accompanies young people in the asylum process, in connection with other structures, particularly for the preparation of the interview at the OFPRA.



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Spoken language


Kifkif is an association of LGTBI+ migrants and refugees. With 18 years of experience in demanding the rights and freedoms of our people, we have managed to transform the paradigm in the approach to our reality, making us protagonists and leaders of our process without tutelage or paternalism.

La communauté du Christ libérateur

The Community of Liberating Christ is a group of gay Christians who wanted to create a friendly and welcoming space for all those who wish their homosexuality to be a “plus” in their lives.

Lambda Warsawa

Lambda Warszawa has been active in supporting and creating a space necessary to create a positive identity of the LGBTQI+ community in Poland since 1997. Our mission is to offer independent, professional and expert support in crisis.

Le CHEFF (Fédération des jeunes LGBTQIA+)

The mission of the CHEFF is to enable LGBTQIA youth to meet, express themselves, learn and interact on the topics that affect them, through activities that are sometimes recurrent, sometimes ad hoc.

Le Refuge Bruxelles – Het opvanghuis Brussels

The Refuge Bruxelles-Het opvanghuis Brussels is a shelter and support structure for young LGBTIQ+ in a situation of family exclusion due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. We also welcome and accompany young LGBTIQ+ applicants for international protection who are suffering in Fedasil or Red Cross collective centers or in a situation of homelessness.

Lgbt Asylum

LGBT Asylium is a group of LGBT+ asylum seekers, refugees, Danish citizens and people residing in Denmark. LGBT Asylum works for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Danish asylum system and for the rights of LGBT+ refugees in Denmark.

LGBT Asylum Support

LGBT Asylum Support is a NO-Government Organization. We support asylum seekers who are just in the Netherlands. We are a link between LGBT- men and -women and other Dutch organizations seeking to help asylum seekers. We work mainly in the North of the Netherlands.

Maison arc en ciel

Arc-en-Ciel Houses (MAEC) are places of welcome, support and activities for homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-communities (LGBT – Lesbians, Gays, Bi, Trans) as well as for their families and loved ones.


Merhaba (“Welcome” in Arabic and Turkish) is a movement created by LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex) people and/or those questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity as a result of immigration.


MGRM was established in 2001 by a small group of volunteers determined to make a difference. They committed themselves to setting up a helpline and to starting to raise awareness and fight against the stigmatisation of the LGBTIQ community.

Plateforme citoyenne pour les réfugiés

Informal network of volunteering citizens (with a staff team growing) providing for first line services for refugees in Belgium (located in Brussels)

Pour la solidarité – PLS

POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS is an independent European think & do tank committed to promote solidarity and sustainability in Europe.

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Rainbow Welcome! visual universe

Rainbow Welcome! visual identity has been developed by Alison Roger France, in collaboration with PLS and all the partners. 

She studied the complexity of sexuality, sexual orientations, genders, gender expressions, identities, sexual characteristics, fluidity between the various spectrums, etc. She also adopted a reflective creation process including refugees’ journey in life and on earth to finally come with those organic forms whose nasting, movements and textures aim at illustrating the multiplicity and complexity of each and all individuals. Of course, the colours of the LGBTIQ+ flag have been used. The whole is wanted to be dynamic, intriguing and … positive. Our message is the one of reception and inclusion, as stated in our motto “Rainbow refugees, WELCOME!”. 

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L'universo visivo di Rainbow Welcome!

L’identità visiva di Rainbow Welcome! è stata sviluppata da Alison Roger France, in collaborazione con PLS e tutti i partner.

Ha studiato la complessità della sessualità, gli orientamenti sessuali, i generi, le espressioni di genere, le identità, le caratteristiche sessuali, la fluidità tra i vari spettri, ecc. Ha anche adottato un processo di creazione riflessivo che include il viaggio dei rifugiati nella vita e sulla terra per arrivare infine a quelle forme organiche la cui tostatura, i movimenti e le texture mirano a illustrare la molteplicità e la complessità di ognuno e di tutti gli individui. Naturalmente sono stati usati i colori della bandiera LGBTIQ+. L’insieme vuole essere dinamico, intrigante e … positivo. Il nostro messaggio è quello dell’accoglienza e dell’inclusione, come recita il nostro motto “Rainbow refugees, WELCOME!”.