Fondation Le Refuge – Marseille

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

The structure offers support and temporary accommodation in the relay flats of one of its 20 departmental delegations.

The aim is to enable the young person to stabilise and rebuild his or her life and gradually gain financial and material independence.

It accompanies young people in the asylum process, in connection with other structures, particularly for the preparation of the interview at the OFPRA.



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Spoken language

Fondation Le Refuge – Montpellier

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Nice

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Paris

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Perpignan

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Rennes

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Strasbourg

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fondation Le Refuge – Toulouse

Le Refuge is the only organisation in France, recognised as being of public utility, to offer temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support to young adults who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and who are experiencing family breakdown.

Fundación Eddy-G

Shelter home in Spain for young people from the LGTBI group who are victims of family violence, bullying or any other form of LGTBfobia.

Genres pluriels

Genres Pluriels is an association working to support, visible, enhance, improve rights and combat discrimination against transgender/fluid genders (transition people, drag kings/drag queens, transvestites, butchs, androgynous, queer,…) and intersex.


Hom’Up offers young men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 who have been excluded from their families because of their affective and sexual orientation, shelter and psychosocial support.


Insight is a Ukrainian human rights public organization, which brings together lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people and queers. Our values are equality, feminism, freedom, inclusiveness, diversity for all social groups.

Irish Refugee Coucil

We provide direct support to people at every stage of the international protection process from a variety of backgrounds, each with complex issues and particular needs. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people seeking international protection face a significant gap in the protection and fulfilment of their basic needs, both throughout the international protection decision-making process and in the context of reception conditions.

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Rainbow Welcome! visual universe

Rainbow Welcome! visual identity has been developed by Alison Roger France, in collaboration with PLS and all the partners. 

She studied the complexity of sexuality, sexual orientations, genders, gender expressions, identities, sexual characteristics, fluidity between the various spectrums, etc. She also adopted a reflective creation process including refugees’ journey in life and on earth to finally come with those organic forms whose nasting, movements and textures aim at illustrating the multiplicity and complexity of each and all individuals. Of course, the colours of the LGBTIQ+ flag have been used. The whole is wanted to be dynamic, intriguing and … positive. Our message is the one of reception and inclusion, as stated in our motto “Rainbow refugees, WELCOME!”. 

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Rainbow Welcome! univers visual

Rainbow Welcome! la identitat visual ha estat desenvolupada per Alison Roger France , en col·laboració amb PLS i tots els socis.

Va estudiar la complexitat de la sexualitat, les orientacions sexuals, els gèneres, les expressions de gènere, les identitats, les característiques sexuals, la fluïdesa entre els diferents espectres, etc. També va adoptar un procés de creació reflexiva que incloïa el viatge de la vida i la vida dels refugiats. la terra per arribar finalment amb aquelles formes orgàniques les desagradacions, els moviments i les textures pretenen il·lustrar la multiplicitat i la complexitat de tots i cadascun dels individus. Per descomptat, s’han utilitzat els colors de la bandera LGBTIQ +. Es vol que el conjunt sigui dinàmic, intrigant i … positiu. El nostre missatge és el de recepció i inclusió, tal com s’indica al nostre lema “Rainbow Refugiats, BENVINGUTS!”.