Rainbow Welcome!
Millorar l’acollida de refugiats LGBTIQ + a Europa
Take action!
Do you also want to express your support for LGBTIQ+ refugees and fight against the discrimination they face? Share the campaign using the #RainboWelcome hashtag on social media.
“One of the first requests here is for a cocoon, a space to call your own.”
“Take the time to learn about LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers’ specific needs.”
“When I was made visible, I had to leave everything, I was threatened with death.”
“It is necessary to develop reception and accommodation facilities for LGBTIQ+ exiles in order to provide them with inclusive, caring and safe spaces. The multiplication of these centres across France will facilitate their asylum application process and their integration.”
RainboWelcome Mapa
Esteu cercant un refugi LGBTIQ + a prop de la vostra ubicació?
Voleu descobrir i inspirar-vos per les bones pràctiques a Europa?
Que està passant?
The reception of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees in Europe
12 October 2022 – European Parliament (Brussels)
Organised with the support of the LGBTIQ+ Intergroup of the European Parliament