Tels Quels is a pluralistic association that focuses on gay information and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people through continuing education, through collective actions to welcome and meet, through an individual approach to the problems of homosexuality, comprehensive social action for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Tels Quels is recognized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation as an association of continuing education according to the Decree of 17 July 2003. The aim of this Decree is to develop associative action in the field of continuing education aimed at the critical analysis of society, the stimulation of democratic and collective initiatives, the development of active citizenship and the exercise of social, cultural, environmental and economic rights from the perspective of individual and collective emancipation of the public, with a focus on the active participation of the targeted audiences and cultural expression.
Kifkif is an association of LGTBI+ migrants and refugees. With 18 years of experience in demanding the rights and freedoms of our people, we have managed to transform the paradigm in the approach to our reality, making us protagonists and leaders of our process without tutelage or paternalism.