
“I grew up in an environment of hatred, I was surrounded by hatred.”

© Nuria Prieto Escuer

Joana, born in Honduras, is a trans woman activist who was forced to leave her country because of constant persecution.

“I started to fight for our rights. They treated us worse than dogs. They think that trans people are promiscuous, that we are free prostitutes. How can we change that? “When I was 36, I said to myself: ‘What am I doing here? They see me as a freak’. My soul was asking me to come out.

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© Nuria Prieto Escuer

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Rainbow Welcome! visual universe

Rainbow Welcome! visual identity has been developed by Alison Roger France, in collaboration with PLS and all the partners. 

She studied the complexity of sexuality, sexual orientations, genders, gender expressions, identities, sexual characteristics, fluidity between the various spectrums, etc. She also adopted a reflective creation process including refugees’ journey in life and on earth to finally come with those organic forms whose nasting, movements and textures aim at illustrating the multiplicity and complexity of each and all individuals. Of course, the colours of the LGBTIQ+ flag have been used. The whole is wanted to be dynamic, intriguing and … positive. Our message is the one of reception and inclusion, as stated in our motto “Rainbow refugees, WELCOME!”.